Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Simple Darklight

Simple things that we see everyday on our way to wherever it is that we are going day to day. I see this while I'm waiting for the bus, a simple road shot, but I decided to add some abstract crap to it. Fragment is an awesome app for these exact moments, which gives your photos that something extra, you can buy said app in Google Play and the App Store for Apple. This whole photo was taken and edited with my Samsung Note 3. Another darklight moment for sure, so many dark elements to it and the sun is still creeping through. 
This is like darklight on purpose. Literally a dark room with a light. So this is actually a massage therapy room where I work and I find the lighting in this particular room to be amazing. So I took a picture just to be sure. Made my edit of what I wanted you to see and this is what came of it. For months now I could see this image in my head and I needed to make it reality. Even at work my dark side comes out, I know for the most part massage therapy is supposed to be happy and relaxing, and so it is, but I see so much more to how the rooms may look. Tweaked out of course.
Every time that I go out for a cigarette during my break at the Toronto Eaton Centre, I see this. Of course it may not always be so nice out, but this particular day it was beautiful.
Then other days the mall looks like this, usually when I'm having a bad day. Mind you I did take the above shot at night unlike the previous one was during the day. Darklight all over the place.

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