Friday, September 19, 2014

Abstract Crap

I call these type of photos abstract crap, not that it is crap, just that I didn't know what to really call it. It is a really image that I shot with my smartphone and changed it to look weird or odd, or that you really may not know what it truly is until you glance closely. When my mind is over active or I'm just not in a good mood the above happens. The Halton Radial Railway Museum (Streetcar Museum) was a great place for me to explore all those old TTC vehicles that mean so much to me. Then I found the Decim8 photo editing app. This is one of the options I really love to do, with all the horizontal lines. 
This morning this happened, while I was having a smoke before work I could picture this image in my head. The hard part was creating it. I must say that it took some time to get the right feel that I wanted to show the world of Facebook and Instagram, and now Blogger and the Internet. Here you go world, this is what I'm trying to express now. Close to what I was doing earlier, just slightly odder. 
Have you ever seen a subway train look like this, I think not. Especially in motion. So here it is, more abstract crap. A random orb of swirling magnifying stuff, just there. Never be afraid to express what is deep in your soul, it creates great art you never knew was possible.

This abstract picture above was taken a year ago. I was on the subway, heading downtown after a Doctors appointment and seen something awesome. I actually had to get off the subway train at Eglington West station and take a closer look. The windows of the station were frosted, as the station sits both above ground and underground, and the sun was shining through at the perfect light. It was giving the perfect shadow of the leaves from plants growing on the outside of the station. I literally said, "wow". grabbed the shots I needed and boom, I was back on the train.
The original looked like this above shot. Plain but nice. After a year I decided to look at the shot again and do something even more to the picture. So the previous photograph looks so abstract and different. I used a couple of editing tools and after some trial and error, the other picture was born. More abstract crap, then the one above. I still like both of them, now as separate entities. I hope you like them as well.

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