Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Transit And Planes

I love these plane shots, there is a feeling of amazement seeing a plane floating up there. All that metal and for the most part they stay up there. What made this photograph important to me was the effect of the branches being out of focus. The picture almost looks outdated, even though I only took it a couple of years ago. At the same time I get scared seeing planes at certain angles. I get a flash back of 9/11, bad memories float back in and that painful feeling comes back. I feel for all the people that lost their lives or that were closely effected by the event. Even being in Toronto at the time you could still feel the pain of what was happening just over the border. I feel that it was an inside job, but what do I know?! That was all in all a bad day for the world no matter where you were.
Being on the TTC subway train on my way home from work. All tired and stuff, yet I will always be looking around for that shot that will make a difference. When I'm on the subway alone I look around constantly, looking at people and what they are doing, checking out what ads are up on that place the ads go. Or, like this morning I was getting up to get off the train at Yonge Station and some weird guy was looking through the glass panels they have near the doors. He had this insane look on his face, I almost got the shot but I was too slow. Most of the time I'm looking for the absence of people, yet they are there, the train could be full, but I will make it look like it is empty. Go figure!
Another shot taken from the first ever photo files. I liked it for some reason. Union station is in the background and the emphasis is on the sign of course. My love for the TTC and My Grandpa's love for trains, in this case GO trains. Since I have an obsession with Union Station, it's old and beautiful.  

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