Thursday, November 13, 2014

Dark Building Plants

There is so much Darklight right here, the mix was right with the plant and the cloudy sky in the background. On one of my walks down Dupont Street, I decided to make a turn going north up one of the side streets to find this Nursery. The plants and flowers were all displayed outside as usual and there was a water fountain out there as well. Here I have shot the plant as the main character in this photo, with darkness creeping in from all angles. This sky was the perfect mix of cloud and sky, what made everything turn out so well was that the clouds were showing a storm coming in. I love thunderstorms. They actually make me giddy. Heheheheh!!! During the summer, my Mom and I sit outside on the back porch and watch the storm coming in when we can. All the lighting and thunder, with the perfect depressing music makes for the perfect cocktail of bliss in my world. 
This building here is located on Edward Street, near University Avenue. I love the way that it looks from all angles. On the east side of the building there is a door that sits right in the middle up high. I wouldn't want to go thought that door to find that there is a long drop to the bottom. Why put a door there to begin with, who know. It's there just to make people like me wonder and come up with ideas in their heads. 
How many dark areas are there in Union Station. So many it's not funny. No matter which way you point your camera there is something that you can photograph. Since this is one of the early photos from when I just started, there is a grainy feel to the photo, but if you can just look past all that you can see what I was trying to say here. These walls hold so much sadness from so many people, for many reasons and situations. But, looking at the window with all the light coming in, there is still hope for anything you feel down about. Just follow the light, but don't ignore the dark, because it will lead you to the light. No matter what, never give up, there is always something to look forward to if you are looking.

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