Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Subways Stations And Flowers

Look it's St. Clair Subway Station. This little bridge type pathway that over hangs the trains coming in has always fascinated me since I moved to Toronto. I never photographed it until last Saturday. So on my way to The Occult Shoppe I grabbed this moment. It was perfect too, because there was a train just leaving the station, so I was able to get that fade of motion from that train. I love going to occult bookstores, because when you walk in all you smell is incense. I did find some interesting reads as well. There are many books about Wicca and other Pagan religions. And if you want candles, well this is your place.
This was a shot that I took yesterday on my lunch break. At Scotia Plaza there are planters all over the place which still have flowers galore in them. Mostly Fall time flowers, but with the colder temperature coming in they do start to die off. In turn, I was able to capture that. By giving it the sepia feel it kind of looks old fashion and Fall like. Almost like the shot was taken many years ago, but sharper. Thank Samsung for that folks.
Now we move on to Bloor Subway Station. I see this almost every morning on my way to work. But on Monday morning I actually stopped to snap it. These lights here seem so bright, only because I'm not quite awake yet, I guess. Walking past them almost feels like you are moving through some eerie kind of movie, or is it just me who feels that way? I guess the fact that I'm listening to weird creepy music doesn't help. Hahahah! I also wanted to point out that I'm very happy that the TTC is now installing Wi-Fi in most of its busy subway stations, this does come in handy when they are having a train delay. Out pops my Smartphone and a Facebooking and an Instagramming I shall go. 

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