Shades and shadow bring about beautiful pictures. Depth of field helps as well. One winter day a while back I wandered around my neighbourhood, because art needed to happen. These dead flowers made for the perfect setting, allowing the darkness to come forward and the lightness to be behind in the past or I should say the distance. You can almost see the white snow on the ground from which the dead plants were poking out of. I still don't love winter, but sometimes you can find something to photograph. Maybe I just don't like being cold.
So going back to the summer, such a better time of the year. This is taken from one of the many trips my family and I took to Niagara Falls. We always take the long way, the off roads, the dirt roads, because you can find many more things to look at. Many more things to photograph. In fact, I've asked my Mom on many occasions to stop the car or turn around to get the shot I was looking for. She usually wants to take a picture as well, trust me this art stuff runs in the family. One thing I do enjoy about going on the back roads is the small roads that seem to go on forever and ever. So as we are moving all you can hear is all the clicking from my camera going on in the back seat. At least that is what my Grandpa always says. Click, click, click. This one shot I took from the back seat, mind you it was really blurry at first, so I went with it. This is what I see as we are driving along.
Not much of an edit had to happen here. The sky with the setting sun worked itself out. It was a happy end to a happy day in Niagara Falls. I could live there if I had to, but Toronto is my home. So the Falls is my second home.
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