Monday, October 20, 2014

Subway Tiles And Ghostly Houses

The subway is a major part of my day, going to work, coming home, etc. So many picture opportunities in so many places, a photographer could go wild, especially if that photographer is a TTC nut just like me. I was headed to the Toronto Eaton Centre on this certain morning, headed to work. Standing on the southbound platform, in which I normally do, this was the scene. Not too busy on the northbound side, except this one guy. I'm not sure what he's up to, I guess just getting on with his day, as all of us are. Snap, edit, ta-da!! I always liked how this view looked, with or without the train coming in or going out. 
Look more TTC, in this case at St. Andrew Station. I was coming home and I noticed this depth of field shot that I needed to take. I love how the tiles are shiny and that it stands out from the background that is so fuzzy, but important to what I am trying to say. The colours are dull for a reason, as this station is always kind of grey and dull. I do love the look of it. I wonder if I'm the only one that looks at the subway stations in the same way? Probably not. I do see so much of the same or similar on Instagram and Facebook. 
This is Osgoode station on the TTC subway system, just one station north of St Andrew station. I hope they don't renovate these stations, as they are just wonderful the way they are. More depth of field we have here, with the added edit of Fragment. The crescent brings your eyes over to the person that is standing at the end of the platform. They are probably on their way home pondering what they are going to have for dinner, who knows? Or as usual they may be reading something on their device, whatever that may be. 
What we have here is a shot I took out of the taxi window while going home. We were on Bedford Avenue, in the Annex, or the more rich neck of the woods. When you look around at all the huge beautiful houses it makes you wish that you could afford to live in one. Maybe one day I will, I'll just have to see what the future of massage therapy brings. What I was trying to show here is just how spooky or haunted some of these houses look. For all I know there could be some ghosts hanging out in there. So I included the street being haunted as well. This picture might be perfect for Halloween, or any time for that matter. 

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