Well this worked out. I looked to the sky on one of my photo shoots a couple years back and to my surprise the sun lined up just right with this building. You can't let a moment like the get away, especially when you are looking for this prime shots. I do believe I was on Front Street just east of Yonge Street, St Lawrence Market. I was able to get this with the amazing zoom on my lens. It almost looks like I was flying around right next to that building, prime building porn. If I ever get another opportunity I'd take the shot again and again at all different angles.
Here it is again, better camera better lens, even closer. Slightly different view and yet I love the look of this place, all the intricate angles, all the great shadows.
I have a slight (by slight I mean massive) addiction to this place. The Canada Malting Plant. Nothing has been going on there in years, just another abandoned building in Toronto. Mind you now they have been doing some construction to it. They removed a complete section off of it, probably due to the fact that it was falling apart. I would spend so many hours down by the water looking at all the things that I could photograph in this building.
This brings me to the next part. As I was walking around said Canada Malting Plant I can across these sculptures of people, some looked almost dead. Later I found out that they were Jewish settlers that arrived here, very sick or dying. Some made it some didn't. One of the statues was of a pregnant woman that looked very sickly. The way the statues are sitting was a very interesting find for me, I was amazed at how they were placed on the grass. They were behind this old abandoned building for probably a long time, I just never ventured that far behind it, until that one day. You never know what you will find when you look in your own backyard.
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