Friday, August 22, 2014

Niagara Fall of Adventure

Going to Niagara Falls every summer would the best thing on the planet, starting to think it would be great to live there. Then there is this big part of me that would miss subway trains and streetcars and you know Toronto. So that would be out of the question. My heart is still there. Never a place to be bored.
When my family and I visit this wonderful city we spend an hour doing the touristy things and then the rest of the time driving and walking around the rest of it. Did you know that the downtown core of Niagara Falls is NOT Clifton Hill, true story. It's actually Queen Street, right near the Go train station. Nowadays it feels like a ghost town and full of urban explorer abandon, which mean excitement for me. What I really enjoy is the fact that I relax when I'm there, my body just chills right out. Especially when I do take that moment to sit in front of the Falls and just watch it fall. To focus on the shapes of the water and different colours racing in teams down to the bottom river gives me calmness.
Who needs to go somewhere expensive when you have this wonder city right near by, ok so it's a bit of a distance and that doesn't matter to me. I really do wish we could leave tomorrow and enjoy some falls. The abandoned building are everywhere, from Motels and Hotels, to houses that people just left behind. There is an old Jail House in the downtown core that fascinates me every time. There are so many picture opportunities everywhere. Especially if you are the artsy type, express your bliss and go snap crazy. This will be one of many posts on Niagara Falls.

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