There is definitely some thing great about the Humber river area. Walking around looking at the water that runs through it, an the path that runs beside it, can bring a calm to anyone. If you like that sort of thing. This bridge is sitting at the base of the Humber river, right near Lake Ontario. What a wonder it is, such modernness and geometry going on in one structure. Every time I walk over this bridge I have to stop and take a look. Usually there is a picture taking event happening, bet we knew that. The magic hour has proved to make this shot an awesome site.
Continue walking and this is what I found that day. There was steam coming out of a hidden area and through the trees, ta-da, you get this shot. I had to stop an capture it, a beautiful moment I will never forget as long as I live. I know that I was in a great mood that day, as you can see with all the happy pictures. Not every day is doom and gloom for me, if I seen a perfect moment I snap it.
TTC love here we go. I do have a transit addiction that started from a young age. My Grandma used to take me on the bus when I would visit her, we would go downtown on the TTC and I must say that I loved every minute of it. That love never went away. The above picture caught my eye when I was walking over this bridge in the west end near the Humber loop. The sun has a way of shining just right to show all the shadows and light, all at the right time and in the right place. Plus, it's streetcar tracks, which I love. You know what would have made the shot the ultimate of all photos? If a streetcar had been going by at that exact moment. Oh well, I did get this photograph and I hope you too love it just the way it is.
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